The Royal Arrival of September-What's the Hype?

On Friday, September 20th of 2024, King Christmas Wawa-the founder and chief of King Christmas Wawa's Army-is set to appear at Newbeak Park. For the first time in months, possibly hundreds of spectators will be able to view the public arrival of the king. This will be one of the most spectacular appearences made by King Christmas Wawa as he appears in his newly tailored September Flame Suit. The event will most likely last for around 30 minutes or less as the king is wheeled into the park via his motorcade of armored vehicles and security personel. The king will stay in Newbeak, residing in His Majesty's Royal Officer Deck until Sunday. On Sunday King Christmas Wawa will make preperations to leave Newbeak with his crew of military personel.

The arrival of the month celibration is usually on the last or second to last weekend of a month. This is when King Christmas Wawa will arrive to his capital city-Newbeak. The king typically resides in his mansion positioned near his largest military facility due to security efforts. This means that the king is away from his citizens almost constantly, which has encoraged him to arrive to check on the capital at least once every several month. The requirment soon became an event and the citizens made it common practice to stand as close to the exterior guards as possible to view the king "returning home". Nowadays this event's effects have gone full force, turning security forces to invest more and more into the managment of this event.

Currently (as of September 16th) King Christmas Wawa's Army has announced that they will now be using a ticketing system to manage the event more easily. They claim that this ticketing system will help them better secure the event and prevent incodents from happening. The event staff for the arrival have already been seen this morning preparing fencing systems. It is belived that they will be using a level system to allow paying visitors to come up to the front guard lines, while letting others spectate from further distances. It is believed that dispite the ticketing system being included the ammount of guarenteed spectators arriving on September 20th will be just as many as the earlier arrivals. King Christmas Wawa's Army has stated that (as of now) 30+ tickets have all been reserved for the event. Considering that the Arrival of May had around 80-110 spectators, this is no decrease in activity. Considering that the last arrival of the month was several months ago, this will generate a large ammount of energy in the crowd of spectators.

King Christmas Wawa's Military is very much prepared to expect any sort of result for the event. The ammount of hype over the arrival has only increased the security strain of it. Some aspects of security remain confidential; however, we do still know several things about the security for this event for those curious. From prior arrival security mesures, King Christmas Wawa's police and military forces created a barrier around the king and completley surounded the motorcade as it headed for the Royal Officer Deck. The security will also set up around a few hours before the event takes place, and will typically never annouce a specific time for the event. King Christmas Wawa also never comes out of his armored vehicle nicknamed "the satelite" until he is near the designated building. This means any spectators will only be able to witness the king walking on the park grounds for just around a few seconds, so get your recording devices ready.

Perhaps the greatest specticle about this event that makes it so much more segnificant is that the king will be appearing in a uniform custom made for this event. The September Flame Suit will be worn by King Christmas Wawa for the first time ever on September 20th of this year. This suit has never been seen in public before with the exception of several photos posted by the official King Christmas Wawa's Army website. These photos were taken while the suit was relitivley unfinished however. This stunning suit will be worn along with it's accompanying cape and boot. The suit is estimated by King Christmas Wawa's Army to be worth around $250. This is the first of many endevers of King Christmas Wawa to create a stunning suit for the arrival of the month, with a suit in the making for the Arrival of October already.

King Christmas Wawa's September Flame Suit photo before reveal 1/4