It is known that King Christmas Wawa arrived at Newbeak before it became part of a nation. King Christmas Wawa has had a leadership talent ever since an early age but in August of 2021, everything changed for him. King Christmas Wawa met another water bottle a few years after his arrival in what was soon to become Newbeak Capital City. The king recalls a tight bond between the two of them and mentioning many times to the other water bottle about his ambitions to create a strong military based government to protect water bottles. His goal was set in stone and with the help of a supporter and close friend, he could see his vision becoming real.
Soon enough yet another water bottle found himself in Newbeak. The three of them soon realized that they had very similar visions about the world. These two other water bottles names were Johnson and Roy. They would later come to be better known as King Christmas Wawa's Army's Staff Sergeant Roy DcMon, and Sergeant Major Phil. This was all that King Christmas Wawa needed to start out.
A while after this, King Christmas Wawa gained segnificant respect from the natives of Newbeak and was given service from them. In the words of Percy-Newbeak Press manager-"This man was ambitious and we strive for that. All of us had a feeling that if we poured our resources and respect into him, we would gain his protection in the future". Over some time this began to come true. King Christmas Wawa gaind a segnificant ammount of wealth from the people of Newbeak. The king lived on a polished wood deck with an elegant style home.
Soon enough the realization kicked in that with all of this respect and power, comes a risk of safety. King Christmas Wawa already had fulltime security from many, but needed more safety mesures to insure absolute protection. With safety in mind, the king requested 1/4" thick glass pannels to suround his house. Quickly after this the king began to realize that glass would not be enough protection. Later in 2021 a bunker material frame was made as the walls and roof of King Christmas Wawa's mansion.
At this time the platoons of The Water Bottle Army were still positioned around the mansion, because they had nowhere else to work around. This started the king's next project. King Christmas Wawa sent his newest general-Lieutenant General Bigpenguin-out to explor for teritory. The new general commanded a unit of scouts to go into the downstairs area to examine the teritory. After a positive result, the lieutenant general sent more units down to set up a camp.
When a reasonable territory was established in the basement, Lieutenant General Bigpenguin arrived with a personal comunication system directed to the king's headquarters. After several positive reports and some planning the young military decided to move their main fighting force down into the basement, to reside at the new military basecamp.
King Christmas Wawa quickly realized that his mansion was very voulnerable to attack and also took up much of the newly forming city. There was never room in the city for anything because security for the mansion took up nearly 50% of the area of the city. This led the king and his team of officers to make a crucial descision. They had to move out of the city.
The king set up a temporary residence on another deck near his mansion for the day as his military worked on safely moving everything downstairs. The process took the military just several hours but the operation was a success. The king was then safely transported to the newly established location.
To this day, King Christmas Wawa still resides mainly in his mansion located on his primary military instalation. Later on this change proved to be helpful as the first rebellion comenced on the grounds of Newbeak Park. At the time, King Christmas Wawa was visiting the capital at his Royal Officer Deck when a mob of protesters grew violent outside. These protesters came up out of nowhere and attempted to rush the officer deck with weapons. The mob greatly underestimated the army and were quickly detained and jailed. They were imediatley charged for their crimes and sentenced to life in prison. It would seem the team's descision to move into the military facility prevented attacks like this occuring more often.
King Christmas Wawa still comes to visit the capital city of Newbeak several times a year for his well known celibration, the arrival of the month. These celibrations; however, are usually brief and very carefully planned for and secured to almost perfection.