Tonight, on the last week of November, King Christmas Wawa appeared in front of over 100 spectators in his capital city, Newbeak. The king was seen leaving his officer deck in Newbeak, headed for Southern Wisconsin for a military propaganda tour. The event went flawlessely, and spectators got to see King Christmas Wawa in his new November Fringe suit. This suit has been anticipating visitors and citizens for over the past month. King Christmas Wawa's Army has done well to hide the suit until the very day it was shown to the public.
The army has done well to insure that no photography of the king's new November Fringe Suit has ever been taken. They have taken secrecy even a step further by saying almost nothing at all about the actual appearence of the suit. One thing that visitors could figure out was the relation to the word "fringe" in the name of the suit. They could have imagined a suit with many chords hanging from it, but most likely did not expect the same to be done with chains.
The November Fringe Suit had many chains, as well as many variations of chains. Newbeak Press has not gotten access to official files for the documents of payment of this suit; however, we assume that most of the fringe chains are made of stainless steel, and the whiter colored chains were plated in genuine silver. The exact price of the suit is not known, but we have interviewed various military staff of King Christmas Wawa's Army who have stated that it cost the king just over $500 to make. The suit itsself is, in no doubt, worth well over $500 without adding collectors value. This seems to be a pattern, with the army continuing to make the best possible artwork for King Christmas Wawa.
Unsurprisingly, the November Fringe Suit is also currently King Christmas Wawa's heaviest suit. Officers interviewed stated that the suit is actually heavier than an actual water bottle, and weighs over a pound with the cape included. The suit alone must weigh as much as the October Shade Suit with its cape. Spectators could even see the suit almost seeming to sag under its own weight. The army did an excellent job of masking this by making the suit out of sturdy materials, but anything made out of fabric eventually has a point of collapse. The fact that they made something that small that would be almost as heavy as a human sized leather jacket without the suit failing, is incredible.
The cape of the November Fringe Suit was absolutley stunning. King Christmas Wawa seemed almost like a star in the light while wearing the suit and cape. It almost seems meant for December, how the suit appears like ice and snow gleaming in the light and reflecting its rainbows of light on the walls near it. From a perfect angle, it almost seems like the spectator is starring into a white light while viewing the back of the cape. The satin white back lining was also a nice finishing touch, as well as the silver plated chains. This design coppied the previous October Shade Suit Cape, with silver chains instead of gold, which made it an appealing asthetic choice.
Half of this article has now discussed just King Christmas Wawa's November Fringe Suit alone. One of the many other things that was noticed outside of the main attraction of the event is the safety proceedures taken. Security seemed even more tight than the past two events, while having many soldiers and armored security escorting the king quickly into his parade vehicle, and out of Newbeak. Another thing noticed was what seemed to be a blast protector sheild. King Christmas Wawa seems to have taken security to another level, by having what we think to be some sort of blast rated glass/plastic sheilding window. This was very noticable; but thankfully, it did not cause too much viewing trouble for spectators, and news media was still able to capture stunning photographs of the departure event.
Another thing noticed about the security is the set up time. The response was even faster than either of the previous events, with security setting up a barrier with standing guards even the week prior to the actual event. The security managed to get King Christmas Wawa escorted in relatively fast as he was hustled in to avoid chaos. It was key to note that King Christmas Wawa was not in his November Fringe Suit at this time. The king was meant to dress in this suit at the last minute before his departure today. Instead, King Christmas Wawa was photographed a few times while he was hustled out in his now well known September Flame Suit.
With this in mind, the crowd was nothing short of full. About half of the spectators that would later be attending the actual event managed to see King Christmas Wawa being escorted promptly to his officer deck before his departure. This was obviously not the intention of the event, but was something that could not really be avoided without complications. Security did a good job keeping spectators far away from potentially dangerous locations, such as ledges and piers.
No major security instances were reported during the event, even though a few minor incodents were dealt with. Guards prepared a pathway well in advance and were seen at locations even outside of Newbeak City waiting for the king to come through. King Christmas Wawa arrived relativley early to Newbeak to await an unsuspecting audience. This was a security technique they used to give no time for potentially dangerous spectators to prepare for any sort of heist.
The arrival to Newbeak was not filmed, because this insured the goal was met to efficiently escort the king away to prepare for his departure shortly after. The official video of the Departure of November will be uploaded to the Newbeak Press Website when it is made available for use by KCWA Media. Our news department will send its footage directly to KCWA for processing, which may take several days to complete.
Over all, we can say that the Depature of November was yet another success, and the biggest hit Newbeak has ever seen. Citizens are looking forward to the future of their king's presentations of his army and their pride. The Arrival of the Month events hosted by King Christmas Wawa and his army show the true elegence and glory of King Christmas Wawa's Army, as well as everything that they control. King Christmas Wawa's November Event will be a title in the books of water bottle history forever.