In December of 2024, Newbeak got in touch with the leader of an immigrant population. The leader asked King Christmas Wawa's Military for permission to inhabit their city, as they were seeking an easier going life with a more well established military. After that, the leader of this new group brought along around 20 other immigrants to inhabbit Newbeak.
Trout-the leader of the new immigrant population at Newbeak-is a former president who is currently the wealthiest stuffed animal in the world. King Christmas Wawa has yet to meet Trout, but welcomed him by giving him a free VIP seat to spectate The Arrival of December. Trout also attended one of King Christmas Wawa's parties, which involved spectating a parade tank demolishing and competing against several different obstacles. The relationship between Trout and King Christmas Wawa seems positive, with both being leaders and sharing similar experiences intheir objectives and motives. King Christmas Wawa has never confirmed a position in government for Trout, but the former president will likely continue his business endevers in Newbeak and continue to capitalize on the market.
This brings along the topic of economy in the city. King Christmas Wawa is known to tax his citizens relativley lightly, as his strategy in recruiting military troops is different compared to other leaders. Instead of paying these troops, the king sends his troops on missions to rescue these soon to be soldiers from their fates, and brings them to his military camp at their own will. The king gives them everything they need to live a happy life, and in return asks them to serve for his military. It is because of this that only the highest ranking officers get paid, but it is possible for a soldier to rank higher and get treated fancier than the rest. This means King Christmas Wawa requires very low taxes to govern his country. Another money gathering venture is the king's arrival events, which bring thousands of USD in revenue to help fund his military.
King Christmas Wawa has not had much experience managing extreme wealth in his country, so it is unclear if he will manage a heavy wealth tax on Trout or not. Either way, the king will most likely not have any issues doing this, and it would greatly bennafit his economy and military. Trout will most likely also find ways to improve the economy as a citizen. It is predictable that he will continue his business ventures and try to monopolize the market, causing the mass production of certian products. He could also possibly aid in military infastructure.
It is possible that trout could become involved in politics relating to the army, and maybe even achive an actual rank in office in the military or municipal governments. We are aware that he has extreme involvment in market, business, and politics. He is indeed the most recegnized member of the immigrant population that has come to Newbeak. If Trout gains segnificant political power in King Christmas Wawa's Military, he will probably lead similarly to King Christmas Wawa, but on a smaller level. There is data collected from Trout's previous experience as a leader about him possibly resembling a dictator leadership. This would not fit well under the command of King Christmas Wawa.
King Christmas Wawa is a very observative leader who has a political view seemingly against a dictatorship government. The king will not take fancy to a leader potentally trying to overturn his government system, and will be sure to eliminate any such competition. This could lead to a possible political uprising over power. It is a possibility that Trout will be able to create an uprising to overthrow the king's position by using citizen morale. This would not end King Christmas Wawa's rule though because his military ratioes his citizens in Newbeak by around 3:1. The king's own military is also very unlikely to ever turn on him. King Christmas Wawa's Army and its troops are given extensive care, and the soldiers are tought useful skills by genuine staff. Any uprising within the actual military will be frowned upon by almost all of the uprisers peers, the ones who truly value the military for what it is.
There are several other immigrants who also have had political experience. King Christmas Wawa has hired stuffed animals to serve in his security and military forces in the past. For example, he hired two stuffed fish as security guards for his old mansion back when he first started his own military. At the time, he only had around five total members of his military, so he wanted to hire more forces by any means possible. Later on though, the king honorably discharged the two security units to have a more uniform force. Another example is King Christmas Wawa's top generals, who are also stuffed animals. These generals have been with King Christmas Wawa for several years now and are still in active service. The most likely reason why the king hasnt discharged his generals is because of their trust level.
Trust is critical with new leadership, and King Christmas Wawa knows this all too well. Of coarse, if the king has no need to fire someone who he can trust to replace them with someone he dosen't know as well, this is a pointless security risk. Having a force of stuffed animals would be chaos for the king's conformity. This would result in unnatural platoon shapes and sizes, and it would mean that each armor set would need to be custom designed for the specific animal. When the king already has three generals as stuffed animals, it is easy to customize suits for each of them, and they won't strain the shape of a drill parade as much as a whole platoon or more.
With all this in mind, it is very likely that the new immigrants of Newbeak will bennafit the comunity and economy. They could also potentially aid politically and in leadership. This is unlikely though, as the king has not hired any stuffed animals in years, and has only discharged almost all involved in his workforce besides his generals. King Christmas Wawa's Army is happy to accept more immigrants in the future.